Academic Staff - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - USJ

Dr. Charithri Yapa

BSc Eng Hons (Moratuwa), MSc (Manitoba), PhD (USJ)

Lecturer (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)

  • charithriyapa[at]
Grants & Funding

Dr. Charithri Yapa obtained her B.Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering with a First Class Honors in April 2016 from the University of Moratuwa. After finishing her undergraduate studies she was recruited as a Temporary Lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa. She obtained her Masters Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada in February 2019. After completing her post graduate studies, she joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering as Lecturer (Unconfirmed).

Analysis of Maximum Power Transfer Capability of a Hybrid Modular Multilevel Converter for 15th International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC) 2019, Coventry, UK.

Stability Analysis of a Hybrid Modular Multilevel Voltage Source Converter for Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) 2018, Toronto, Ontario.

Power System Simulator-A Teaching Tool (Protection Integration) for the 2nd International Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon) 2016

Development of a Smart non – intrusive load Identification and Monitoring SYStem (SIMSYS) in collaboration with Orel Corporation (Pvt) Ltd.

Ms. Charithri Yapa,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
